Dissonant Harmony
Zack, professional musician and instructor, and Seth, student of many arts, meet to discuss different topics of self improvement for curious minds, musicians, and artists of all types.
Dissonant Harmony
Episode 33 - Kelly Kereliuk
Kelly Kereliuk
Episode 33
Kelly Kereliuk is the guitarist for Prismind, Lost Symphony, Sound Chaser and Negus (Steve Negus ex-Saga), as well as a full-time instructor in the Hamilton, Ontario area for the past 30 years. In addition to releases from his other bands, Kelly now finds himself working alongside Marty Friedman (ex-Megadeth), Bumblefoot (GnR/Sons Of Apollo), Oli Herbert (All That Remains), David Abbruzzese (ex-Pearl Jam), David Ellefson (Megadeth), Jimi Bell (Autograph/House Of Lords), Jeff Loomis (Arch Enemy), and many more, in the LOST SYMPHONY project.